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What is UI & UX design?

User Interface (UI)  design is the visual aspect of how your software’s interface looks and feels.

User Experience (UX) design is a holistic approach to how a user interacts with and experiences your system.

Optimised UI and UX design are both vital for high-performing digital services. Ask yourself:

  • Is your software, app or website’s interface out of date? Or just plain horrible?
  • Have you tested your user experience for better ways to serve your users?
  • Would your revenues increase if your user’s experience was optimised?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you might want to consider updating your UX & UI designs.

Animated characters building a website

Why are UX and UI design important?

“If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.” — Ralf Speth

Bad design isn’t hard to find. From overly complex accounting software, to outdated interfaces, to ‘Help’ functions which are anything but helpful.

Bad UI and UX design can:

  • Reduce competitiveness – for revenue and user satisfaction
  • Create stress and confusion –  information overload and long-winded user journeys
  • Be inefficient – manual/repetitive processes and unnecessary steps.
  • Be unattractive – outdated, ugly or dull
  • Fail to do its job – not convert customers, users can’t easily achieve what they want

Good UI and UX design can:

  • Delight – services become simple, useful and compelling.
  • Empower users – more focus, intuition and autonomy.
  • Improve efficiency – get the job done faster and more effectively.
  • Spark innovations – free-up time to be creative and add value.
  • Reduce risk – comprehensive user testing reduces risk of failure.

Get your digital services ready for the future

Achieve your goals with our UX and UI Design services:

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Designing digital services for scale

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple – some of the most successful companies in the world – all have one thing in common. They put UX & UI design at the forefront of everything they do.

Amazon’s UX and UI transformation didn’t happen overnight. It constantly tested and iterated its designs based on best practices and evidence from user testing.

Amazon has seemingly struck the perfect balance between what makes the most revenue, and what makes the user experience so delightful.

By using the same UX and UI design methodology, your results can skyrocket too.

Amazon website in the year 2000

Software UX & UI design with illumo digital

Whether you’re looking for new custom software, or want to revamp an existing application, we create optimised UI & UX services specific to your needs. Here’s how we approach UX & UI projects:

  1. Assess. Identify issues with your current software. (Or we can design from scratch.)
  2. Discover. Explore your vision, ideas and goals for the new designs.
  3. Hypothesise. We’ll create user personas, user stories and user journey maps.
  4. Prototype. Create rapid prototypes and high fidelity designs.
  5. Test. We host stakeholder workshops, interviews, focus groups and usability testing.
  6. Build. Once the designs have been validated, we’ll develop your software and host it.
  7. Train. We’ll train your staff how to use and maintain the software, app or website.

To learn more about our custom UI & UX design services, call us on 0117 3830 380. 

Or call
us on 0117 379 0679

Discover more: UX and UI Design services

For more information about transforming your digital services, please get in touch:

“It was great teamwork. Helastel (now illumo digital) rendered our ideas into robust and intelligently designed software.” – Iain Brogan, COO at Mapmyhealth

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