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With the current pressure on our healthcare system, we could not be prouder than to have worked with GPWales to create what is now an important system for Welsh GPs to help manage locum availability in this time of need.

With our superstar GPs being pulled left right and centre to support our NHS across the country, and working ridiculous hours, managing their shifts through costly 3rd party agencies can be a real nightmare.

Realising the vision

Helastel (now illumo digital) helped realise the incredible vision of the GPWales team and created Locum Hub Wales. The hub is a platform where GP Practices can easily share their requirement for locums and locum GP’s can match their requirements by role type, travel time and salary locally to them, driving down Practice costs by abolishing agency fees and improving GP availability.

Locum Hub Wales – whilst simple in principle – has all the complex checks and balances required to ensure the security and authenticity of the advertised roles and of the GP’s with matched skills and requirements that are brought together. It integrates individual authentication checks and 3rd party approved insurance lists to ensure practices and GP’s are correctly covered and represented.

Quick delivery

In just under 4 months the Team worked with GPWales to ensure requirements were kept up to date and changes were managed throughout the build process, with an agreed milestone-based demonstration and delivery plan. Due to the hard work and commitment of both the GPWales and the illumo digital teams, the platform was delivered on time and within budget.

We could not be more excited for them and for the solution we created together. Check out Locum Hub Wales to find out more about the platform.

If you have a vision that you would like to talk through, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we’d be happy to talk to you.

Let’s talk


If you are a GP or a practice in Wales you can sign-up here to use Locum Hub Wales. If you are situated elsewhere watch this space, Wales is just the beginning! GP Wales are already receiving enquiries to make the hub available nationally.